Remember my soccer ball?
I'd mentioned to some of the kids I teach that I'd gotten one, and had sort of absently wondered out loud if any of them would be interested in playing. A couple of them were really enthusiastic about the idea, and would actually ask where my soccer ball was after class. Unfortunately, by that time I'd usually be downstairs with my shoes on, and my ball would be upstairs under my desk. Going back up would be a pain since I'd have to take off my shoes and put on my school shoes, so usually I wouldn't bother.
But today one of my students reminded me early enough that I thought to bring it down with me. I'm much too sick right now to play myself, but they seemed delighted to kick it around outside next to our school. And they were good about it, too - when it was time for them to load the buses and go home, they brought it straight back to me. If I remember I'll let them play with it again tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe my doctor's appointment tomorrow morning will facilitate my fast recovery, and maybe soon enough I'll play with them.