We're finally no longer understaffed (well, at least as far as foreign teachers go), so I'm down to teaching just one class for kindergarten again. This means I now have a little free time in the mornings to take care of my own business.
So today I took off on my trusty bright banana (-colored) bike and ventured to the post office. I'd never been to this one before, so I wasn't even sure I'd find it. But I found it just fine, and in no time, too, thanks to my speedy new ride.
My trip inside confirmed the rumors that I'd heard before that you can't buy stamps to mail things to America. You have to go and have them weigh and put a sticker on it.
So I only mailed the things I'd already written, and it may be some time before I get out to mail more. But there you have it - "the letter's in the mail."