Saturday, May 28, 2011

It's Like Wii Fit - But Real

Today my friend and I went cycling around the gorgeous lake and park nearby. The paths were white dirt and gravel, the views were worthy of a thousand postcards, and the scenic ride was both superb and pleasant.

It was just like the bike ride in Wii Fit! The only thing that was missing were the crowds of strangely-drawn people standing around applauding. I did, however receive several (I think) approving nods and smiles from older men and women who were themselves cyclists, and yes, they and many others there were decked out in exercising uniforms, just like in Wii Fit.  I'm telling you, sometimes this country's too good to be true.

At the end of our adventure we ran across a live orchestra performance, but I think they were rehearsing for a real show later tonight. I might go back and watch them some.