Thursday, November 24, 2016

My Other Job

You may have noticed that I haven't posted very often for a long, long time.  That's because I've been spending all of my free time on my second job: I'm now a published author!

The Inventor's Slave
My first book: The Inventor's Slave
 My first book was released in May, but it has a lot of violence, which might not be appealing to a lot of readers of this blog, so I didn't post about it here.

Hunger Is the Best Sauce
My second book: Hunger Is the Best Sauce
My second book, however, just came out today, and you can get the e-book for free here on Black Friday, November 25th, 2016, if you're interested.

If you read either book, I would love it if you'd take a moment to leave an honest review.

In the meantime, happy Thanksgiving!