After the huge English Festival my academy had, my Korean co-teacher and I were presented with gifts from the mothers of our kindergarten students.
We each received flowers and a bag with a box in it.

The flowers included two gift certificates, along with this beautiful note:

Inside the bagged box was a Schneeballen Set. Back around September one of my fellow foreign teachers told us about a place that sells cronuts nearby. I'd never heard of cronuts before, but apparently people wait in line for hours at a time to get their hands on them in New York City, and here the wait is nothing. So I stopped by with my coworker and he tried a cronut. I tried a schneeball, which I'd also never heard of before then. They're like rock-hard pastries that you have to break with a hammer before eating. The price of the hammer alone was 30 or 40 dollars, so I can't imagine the price of the set. Anyway, here are some pictures of it for you:

We each received flowers and a bag with a box in it.

The flowers included two gift certificates, along with this beautiful note:

Inside the bagged box was a Schneeballen Set. Back around September one of my fellow foreign teachers told us about a place that sells cronuts nearby. I'd never heard of cronuts before, but apparently people wait in line for hours at a time to get their hands on them in New York City, and here the wait is nothing. So I stopped by with my coworker and he tried a cronut. I tried a schneeball, which I'd also never heard of before then. They're like rock-hard pastries that you have to break with a hammer before eating. The price of the hammer alone was 30 or 40 dollars, so I can't imagine the price of the set. Anyway, here are some pictures of it for you: