I still don't have service for my phone, and I still can't get an awesomely fast Internet connection of my own, because I'm waiting on my ARC, or Alien Registration Card, to come in, which I'm told should be around March 13th. In the meantime, it's been tough for me to get good posts of my adventures up, since my laptop's not so bad at picking up weak wifi, but all my worthy pictures are on my phone. So I apologize for the lack of total awesomeness. But, lest you think I've been doing nothing this whole time, here's what I've been up to:
This week was our last week of kindergarten. I also got pretty sick early in the week and asked the staff at the school to order pizza for me, since (like I said) I don't have any phone service right now. Then I just went home and vegged out. I pretty much just watched movies on Korean TV and ate pizza on Monday and Tuesday nights, but I felt much better after that.
On Wednesday I moved from my temporary apartment to my old/new apartment - in other words, the one I lived in when I worked here before. The folks who lived here before and after me really made it nice. They got a huge bed and rearranged the furniture and acquired more furniture and decorated it and pretty much made it way better than it would have been if I'd just lived here three straight years. It's really good to feel at home again.
On Thursday I went to the doctor and the whole visit cost me less than $20. The medication that he put me on cost less than ten. And that's without insurance, since I don't have my ARC yet. Once I get my ARC and have insurance, I'll be refunded for the amount I overpaid. I love Korean healthcare.
On Friday my co-workers and I ate at the restaurant in the bottom corner of our school. I had bibimbap, which wasn't bad, but it's never been my favorite, and since I was sick it was getting hard for me to finish eating when I couldn't really breathe much through my nose.
Saturday was my "rest if I need to or have adventures if I feel better" day, and it involved the rest of sleeping in and the adventures of revisiting the famous Eunpa Park and being totally ripped off by street-vending ahjummas. I won't hold it against them, though. The rice I bought from them actually tasted pretty good. Oh, so yes, I also attempted an amazing feat of cooking, which, like all my "from scratch" meals, tasted better than it looked. Inspired by yesterday's stark lack of cuisinal failure, I made french toast today and decided to spread strawberry yogurt on it, thinking maybe I'd be recognized as a previously unknown culinary genius. Unfortunately, it didn't taste so great, so I ate the french toast and the yogurt separately.
There are pictures associated with almost all of these exciting events, and I hope in the near future to post some of them for you.
In other major news, I went back to the church I used to dance at on Tuesday nights and danced until I was thoroughly dehydrated. God is good to me.