Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bussing Around

So I set out after breakfast today and found the Jeju City bus terminal. I decided to go to the Maze Park but it's quite a ways away. So I took a beautiful ride on a local bus and got off at my transfer point, a quaint little place up on the northern coast. I found my destination on the time tables and still have over half an hour to kill. I might buy ice cream at the Family Mart; the heat's super intense.

Seeing all the lush, green fields and strangely thin, flat trees against the chalk-scrape of beautiful, deep waters makes me want to write. So many fascinating tales could be set in a place like this.

I kept staring at the rich, dark rocks and wondering why the rocks were different here, blacker and more beautiful. And then I suddenly remembered that Jeju is a volcanic island. Maybe all these rocks had once been lava.

An old man just offered me a piece of gum, and it reminds me that last night a little girl offered me a plate of watermelon her father carved up for their family. And on the ferry yesterday a Korean came and had me join him and his American friend so I wasn't in a solo picnic. People are so kind to me.